Cobalt Green, Teal, Turquoise (PG50)

There are two different colors with the pigment name PG50. The first and “purest” form is cobalt titanium oxide, the pigment was created in 1992 and has a turquoise hue. The color is very soft and is usually named Cobalt teal or Cobalt turquoise, the pigment should not, however, be confused with cobalt chromium oxide or cobalt magnesium oxide which is a variant of Cerulean which is often also named cobalt turquoise. The color has good mixing properties. It has an ability to separate from other pigments, which gives nice patterns on the paper.

The other variant of PG50 is named cobalt green, cobalt green light or cobalt green YS and is available in two shades, one more yellow-green and one bluer, of which the yellow-tinged is most common. Winsor & Newton is one of the few manufacturers that has the blue variant. I like the blue variant of cobalt green the best, although few provide it.
If you want to buy the color, caution regarding the choice is recommended. There are other cobalt pigments that are given the same name. An example is PG26 (cobalt chromium oxide), which is often given dark or deep as an addition to the name because the color is darker than other cobalt colors. Another example is PG19 (cobalt zinc oxide) which is quite pale. Unfortunately, pure fakes with phthalo green yellow tone (PG36) are common.
As always, check which pigment is indicated, in this case it should be PG50 for both the turquoise and green variants.

Both variants are great mixed with various other colors, but perhaps not so suitable to use unmixed. They give beautiful unclear blends with some reddish color and also work well with various yellows. Mixed with some blue color, cobalt teal gives nice cold blue colors. Both variants of PG50 are a very nice addition to the color palette but are difficult to use unmixed. They must be mixed with other colors for their qualities to become apparent.

Cobalt teal
DANIEL SMITH: Cobalt teal blue PG50
QOR: Cobalt teal PG50
ROMAN SZMAL Cobalt teal PG50
SCHMINCKE: Colbalt turquoise PG50
Cobalt green
BLOCKX: Cobalt Green PG50
OLD HOLLAND: Cobalt Green PG50
DANIEL SMITH: Cobalt Green PG50
M. GRAHAM: Cobalt Green PG50
LUKAS: Cobalt Green PG50
MAIMERIBLU: Cobalt Green light PG50
MAIMERIBLU: Cobalt Green Deep PG50
ROMAN SZMAL: Cobalt Green light PG50
WINSOR & NEWTON: Cobalt Green PG50

Other pigments
M. GRAHAM: Cobalt teal PB 28
DANIEL SMITH: Cobalt Green Pale PG19
WINSOR & NEWTON: Cobalt Green deep PG26
SCHMINCKE: Cobalt Green dark PG26
SCHMINCKE: Cobalt Green Pure PG19
OLD HOLLAND: Cobalt Green Deep PG26
QOR: Cobalt Green PG26
ROMAN SZMAL: Cobalt Green Deep PG26
MAIMERIBLU: Cobalt Green PB26
ROYAL TALENS : REMBRANDT: Cobalt Turquoise Green PG26
Färgindex: PG50
Ljusäkthet: Utmärkt
Transparens: Rätt så täckande
Fläckande: Nej
Granulerar: Ja
Cerulean Blue
DANIEL SMITH: Colbalt turquoise PB36
DA VINCI: Colbalt turquoise PB36
DA VINCI: Cobalt Turquoise Deep PB36
DALER ROWNEY: Cobalt Turquoise green shade PB36
DALER ROWNEY: Cobalt Turquoise deep PB36
SCHMINCKE: Cobalt Green Turquoise PB36
SENNELIER: Cobalt Green PB36
MAIMERIBLU: Cobalt Blue Green PB36
MAIMERIBLU: Cobalt Green BluePB36
Mixed colors
OLD HOLLAND: Cobalt Green Turquoise PG19, PG26, PG50
DA VINCI: Cobalt Green (Hue) PG7, PB27
A. GALLO: Cobalt teal PB15:1, PG7, PW6
HOLBEIN: Cobalt Green PG18 PB28 PW6
SHINHAN: Cobalt Green PG7, PB36
MIJELLO: Cobalt Green PG7 PW6