Category: Hard exercises

Difficult watercolor exercises

These watercolor exercises are difficult or involve techniques that may only be possessed by the experienced watercolorist. If you want to try painting any of these: be prepared for challenges.

äpplen i skål 2

Three primary colors

This exercise primarily develops your color mixing skills. You must use the three primary colors: red (cold red), yellow (preferably lemon yellow, but not necessary) and blue (preferably cold, phthalo or Prussian). I personally…

San Gimignano 2

Tourists in San Gimignano

This little exercise should be painted quickly. As for colors, you can use any. I myself used as a base: phthalo blue and venetian red and all sorts of others for the people in…

Red cat 0

Red cat – A watercolor exercise

This exercise is impossible to place as easy or difficult. It depends on a lot of different things if it is one or the other: The right paper is essential, the right colors are…

varför inte svart? 0

Why not black?

It is often heard that black paint should be avoided, or even that it is forbidden in watercolor painting. I can understand why, a black detail. in a painting that does not contain any…

Tedags, en akvarellövning 0

Tea time

This exercise is painted with only two colors: French ultramarine and burnt sienna. It is not possible to successfully replace these colors with any others, possibly the brown color can be changed to a…

wet on wet. 4

Still life, wet on wet

This is an exercise in wet on wet technique. It is painted with cobalt blue, burnt sienna and raw sienna. If you miss these colors, you can use French ultramarine instead of cobalt blue,…

Spår, en akvarellövning 0

Tracks | A watercolor exercise

This painting is done with my three-color favorite combination, namely: French ultramarine, burnt sienna and raw sienna. It is a very good color combo for (non-green) landscapes, especially winter and autumn motifs. Step 1…

Övning stenar i vatten 3

Stones in water

I have painted this picture with only two colors, one blue and the complementary color to blue, it usually means a brown color. You can choose which blue and brown you want, but before…

Ensam i skogen, en akvarellövning 0

Alone in the woods (an exercise)

It is important to let go. Not to be so careful. In this painting, you paint layer upon layer, or more correctly: Spots on top of other color spots. Avoid being too careful it…

Övning 3

Exercise Reeds

I made this painting in 2005 after a very old black and white photo. The fact that the photo is not in color may contribute to the slightly freer colors in the painting. The…