Category: Watercolor Paint

Here you can find information about watercolor paint and its special properties. General tips on choosing watercolor paint, care and the like. Everything possible about watercolor paint can be found in this category

info om färger 0

Information on paints

This text is about Swedish online shops with artist materials. It is probably not interesting for visitors from other countries, or this problem is more general and applies to you as well. Swedish online…

granulerande färger 0

Granulating paints

For most beginners, granulating paints are an unfamiliar concept. They are hardly colors that you are looking for and they are almost never included in ready-made watercolor boxes. In addition, they are often more…

färgnamn 0

Color names

I really wish the manufacturers of artist paints could give their paints sensible names, but above all: the same name for the same color. If I recommend phthalo green to a student who uses…

Färgkarta 0

Arrange your watercolor box

Do you use watercolor paints in pans?Do you keep them in a box created for the purpose?Are all your colors in disarray?Don’t you know what their name is? If you answered yes to these…

Vit akvarellfärg 0

White paint, is it allowed?

Virtually everyone who teaches watercolor painting says that students should not use white paint. If you read books, or on the Internet, about watercolor painting, you also get the impression that most writers do…

kadmium 1

Stop using cadmium paints

“WHAT! there is cadmium in cadmium red? ” exclaimed once a student when we talked about colors. Are you also one of those who are not aware that there are toxic colors. Cadmium is…