Tagged: hard exercise

Hofterupsdösen 3

The Hofterup Dolmen

Hofterupsdösen is a dolmen, a tomb from the Neolithic era. It is located just east of Hofterup Church in Kävlinge Municipality, not far from where I live. It may seem like a tricky subject…

äpplen i skål 2

Three primary colors

This exercise primarily develops your color mixing skills. You must use the three primary colors: red (cold red), yellow (preferably lemon yellow, but not necessary) and blue (preferably cold, phthalo or Prussian). I personally…

San Gimignano 2

Tourists in San Gimignano

This little exercise should be painted quickly. As for colors, you can use any. I myself used as a base: phthalo blue and venetian red and all sorts of others for the people in…

varför inte svart? 0

Why not black?

It is often heard that black paint should be avoided, or even that it is forbidden in watercolor painting. I can understand why, a black detail. in a painting that does not contain any…