Tagged: St Cuthberts Mill

Saunders Waterford 0

Saunders Waterford

Saunders Waterford från St Cuthberts Mill är det akvarellpapper jag använder mest. Om jag skulle bedöma vad jag har målat på under alla år än nog hälften av mina målningar gjorda på Saunders Waterford….

Saunders Waterford 2

Saunders Waterford

Saunders Waterford from St Cuthberts Mill is the watercolor paper I use the most. If I were to judge what I have been painting on all these years, than probably half of my paintings…

bockingford watercolor papper 0


Bockingford from St Cuthbert’s Mill is a relatively inexpensive alternative to the more expensive cotton paper. It is made of cellulose (wood) and is therefore not as durable as a cotton paper. Even if…