Akvarell.se ersätts av detta – Akvarell.se is replaced by this

På Svenska

Jag har lagt ner forumet akvarell.se och ersätt det med denna blogg. Brist på intresse från medlemmarna är förklaringen.
Bloggen kommer att handla om akvarellmålning, färger och olika teknik. Hoppas att du kommer att tycka att det är intressant och läsvärt.

In English

I have closed the forum akvarell.se and replaced it with this blog. Lack of interest from members is the explanation.
The blog will be about watercolor painting, paints and different techniques. Hope you will find it interesting and worth reading.

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2 years ago

Thank you very much for this blog! I have now spent many hours reading the articles – so much valuable information. I have read all the articles on the pigments…highly interesting to me. It is so important to know which colors to paint with and which to buy and which not to use.
The articles about mixing and color theory are also described in such a comprehensible way that I, as a beginner, will slowly but surely understand this topic as well.
Thank you for all the work and effort you put into it! I’m subscribed to the RSS feed and look forward to many more articles.

Jan-Erik Östlund
2 years ago

Joorå … alltså … hit kommer jag nog många gånger under framtiden, förr lär det inte bli. Verkar vara en fullmatad site med många fina tips, bl.a. den med stålpenna och maskeringsvätska.

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