Now you can print the posts

I have added a button to all blog posts, you can also see it below. The button is called PDF and gives you the opportunity to see the page as a document, and also to print it. It can be especially good for the exercises.
by Erik · August 27, 2020
I have added a button to all blog posts, you can also see it below. The button is called PDF and gives you the opportunity to see the page as a document, and also to print it. It can be especially good for the exercises.
Very nice, tack !
You sent me an email the first time I posted a comment but it’s a non-reply email address. It returned to me so I went and checked.
I am delighted to discover this site. I am just beginning to play with watercolors and encountering difficulties. Your blogs give me guidance on what to work on and how. Thank you.
I would like to try the exercises you recommend. But I am not able to download the PDFs. Do i need special software for it?
It’s nice to hear that you enjoy my little blog, Regarding PDF, they can not be downloaded. It only works to look online and to print. Why would you need them downloaded?
i used the wrong term. I wanted to print the exercise instructions. But when I press the PDF buttton, I get this: There seems to be an error initializing. Please verify you are using an up-to-date web browser. I use an iPad and also a laptop computer.
It seems that your browser does not support PDF, try another if you can, such as. Google Chrome. There is nothing wrong with the software, it works great for me.