Category: Colors and pigments
Green Gold – PY129
The name green gold probably comes from the metal made of an alloy of gold and Palladium (or silver). As a watercolor paint, it was the pigment PG10 that was first named green gold….
Serpentine green
I had not intended to write about Serpentine green or other colors made from minerals on the blog. Partly because they are unusual and often expensive and in addition there are so few manufacturers…
Quinacridone maroon (PR206) Discontinued
The pigment is no longer manufactured, if you find someone who has the color why not buy while it lasts. Quinacridone maroon is a semi-transparent, very light resistant, staining reddish brown color that was…
Hooker’s Green
William Jackson Hooker was an English botanist and botanical illustrator who lived from 1785 to 1865. In his botanical illustrations, he naturally needed a natural green color for all green plants. He liked to…
Quinacridone orange (PO48) Discontinued
Quinacridone orange is a transparent, staining and very intense orange earth-colored pigment that first saw the light of day in 1958. A property, which it unfortunately shares with several other watercolor paints, is that…
Alizarin crimson (PR83)
Alizarin is the dye in madder red, a red dye extracted from the madder root, from this dye the pigment madder lake can be made. As a dye for textile dyeing, the dye is…
Neutral tint
To create neutral shadows and to lower the value of many different colors, watercolor painters often use Neutral Tint, the name suggests that the mixture should be neutral, but it is not. Neutral Tint…
Cerulean Blue (PB35, PB36)
If you search for “Cölinblå” on Google, which is the traditional Swedish name for the color, you only get a few results, most from Riksantikvarieämbetet (The Swedish National Heritage Board), but if you change…